YES = FULLY COOKED . Packaging materials used for this purpose must be specifically designed to withstand the pasteurization process. For information on the use of antimicrobial interventions in ready-to-eat meat products, see Chapter 4, Annex H, Section 3.1, Antimicrobial agents and post-lethality procedures. Room or area temperatures must also ensure control of product temperature during processing activities, such that there is no increase in bacterial growth of the product that would affect the validation of any further lethality step or validation of product shelf life. Please refer to Chapter 3.6, Pre-requisite Programs for the requirements for acceptable packaging materials and non-food chemical products. Non-comminuted. If the smoking process results in the production of ready-to-eat meat products, all additional requirements applicable to cooked products are to be met. provide instructions to achieve a 6.5D or 7.0D reduction in Salmonellaspp.). The CFIA website provides additional information on the submission process. Special attention must be paid to the list of ingredients of the resulting meat product; all ingredients added either directly or by the means of a rework product must be accurately declared in the ingredients list of the resulting meat product. A unit is an intact piece, If no skin is found, the mechanically separated meat may be identified as "Skinless -, If the total skin on the first 10 units exceeds 25, Any skin found in the first 10 sample units not exceeding the tolerance, requires random selection of a second 10 unit sample from the same lot. Indicating and recording thermometers must be calibrated. Records of microbiological tests performed on ingredients must be available to the inspector on request. endstream endobj 983 0 obj <. The texture and eating quality of the products are therefore superior to the raw materials used and are hence more desirable to consumers. Annex I: This Annex has been incorporated into Annex H. (c) the meat product conforms to the applicable standards prescribed by these Regulations and the Food and Drug Regulations. The operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. hM6E+ 23(toft%Q&/|5)^0~#3w{hH|h0F#G#G?5x=)c/. The artificial edible casing does not have to be declared on the label of the product. The rejected product must be reworked and resubmitted for sampling, returned to the originator, or treated as inedible product. One defect is defined as a carcass or unit with kidney (when not acceptable) and/or lung. When MSM is used in the manufacture of a formulated meat product, unless the MSM is free of skin and has been identified as such by the supplier, it is considered as containing the allowed eight percent (8%) skin as indicated in notes 2(h) and 2(j) of Schedule I of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (MIR). This gives us the following final recipe: 50.6kg of skinless pork trim + 4.4kg of pork skin 25kg of pork MSM 20kg of water, 25kg of pork MSM without skin 20kg of water xkg of pork skin. Three separate formulation batches can, however, be processed concurrently following stuffing. The formation of ice concentrates the dissolved solutes and reduces the water activity of the meat product. The following clauses are added under sub-regulation 2.5.2, related to "Comminuted or Restructured Meat Products ', namely: Meat Sausages 2A. The rate of freezing is important to prevent growth of microorganisms or production of their toxins prior to the product reaching freezing temperatures. Fermentation room temperature is a constant 35C. also wrapped in natural casing), to a limit of 3% in weight of the new meat product. %PDF-1.6 % Degrees above 15.6C: 24C - 15.6C = 8.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (8.4C) x (10) = 84 degree-hours, Degrees above 15.6C: 30C - 15.6C = 14.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (14.4C) x (10) = 144 degree-hours, Degrees above 15.6C: 35C - 15.6C = 19.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 15 Degree-hours calculation: (19.4C) x (15) = 291 degree-hours, Degree-hours calculation for the entire fermentation process = 84 + 144 + 291 = 519, The corresponding degree-hour limit = 555 (between 33C and 37C). A lot cannot exceed a single day's production. control of egg shells to prevent contamination; egg shells and defective eggs must be handled as inedible product; and. Until such confirmation is received, the operator must manufacture product in accordance to one of the other 4 options outlined in this section. These ingredients also reduce the cost of meat products. Above a critical temperature of 15.6C, Staphylococcus aureus multiplication and toxin production can take place. hAO05R8lH JdYmRMtP cXzlDg!C=Z`H^@b)Py{)``]S3:]RJ finely textured chicken or mechanically separated beef). composition, for certain meat and poultry products. When the fermentation takes place at various temperatures, each temperature step in the process is analyzed for the number of degree-hours it contributes. "DQfPC,6$+jl("@jQcQ8jlF [Qc3j@ @ &jL\t4@5#@qpq!bD: Degrees above 15.6C: 26C - 15.6C = 10.4C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 55 Degree-hours calculation: (10.4C) x (55) = 572 degree-hours. In addition, the product has not had its core temperature maintained at 65C for at least 10 minutes or an equivalent combination of time and higher . It the operator's responsibility to ensure that the control program for environmental risk factors for contamination of product are effective and verifiable. The presence of kidney is defined as the presence of a part of a lobule or several lobules measuring at least 0.5cm x 0.5cm. Bones, carcasses or parts of a carcass must be kept or transported at time/temperature combinations that will ensure their hygienic acceptability when used for mechanical separation. Examples: Determination of the quantity of pork skin which may be added to the following recipes: 25kg of pork MSM 20kg of water xkg of pork skin. Reducing fat and salt in comminuted meat products may therefore have a significant positive effect on public health in countries with a high consumption of these meats. cooking the product so it reaches an internal temperature of 71, an alternative challenge study of a design acceptable to the, storage of bulk restricted curing agents must be in a locked area; and. For the purposes of sampling, "NRTE comminuted poultry product" is any raw non-breaded, non- battered raw poultry product that has been (1) ground, (2) mechanically separated, or (3) hand- or mechanically-deboned and further chopped, flaked, minced, or otherwise processed to Depending on the composition of the final product, the resulting edible product is referred to as finely textured meat or mechanically separated meat (e.g. %%EOF the Food Safety Enhancement Program Manual (FSEP) published by the Agency, as amended from time to time. Comminuting processes include mechanical separation, flaking and grinding. qF 1`rA!w) ] These must include: If product is chemically acidified by addition of citric acid, gluconodelta-lactone or another chemical agent approved for this purpose, controls must be in place and records kept to ensure that a pH of 5.3 or lower is achieved by the end of the fermentation process. No. In determining whether a requirement is necessary, appropriate, adequate, or sufficient to achieve the objectives of the Regulations, account should be taken of the nature of the operation/activity and of its intended use. This station must be equipped with a directly drained and remote controlled or timed hand wash facility, an 82C water sanitizer and adequate lighting. The operator must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. See Annex H for mandatory requirements for Listeriaspp. There have been a variety of studies on mediated polymerization of food proteins such as milk proteins, soybean proteins, egg proteins, chicken, gelatine and myosin. Smokehouses must be adequately vented. This page was archived due to the coming into force of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. If kept hot, cooked meat products should always be kept at 60C or above. hbbd``b`OAD`$4^WR ne"j@zopGL@?0 mpS When the aw of a product is a critical limit set out in the manufacturing process for a meat product, accurate measurement devices must be employed. When using skinless MSM in the formulation of a meat product, up to 8% of skin from the named species is permitted under the MIR Schedule I. This standard categorises food according to a system devised in the European Union. Smoke racks (trees) and the interiors of smokehouses must be adequately cleaned to prevent the contamination of meat products with soot. Most comminuted products are classed as . Each time a lot is evaluated, the following procedure should be followed by the operator: The operator of the establishment must design, document and implement an on-line sampling and examination program for boneless meat at a point close to where the product is placed into containers. Fermentation relies on good control over a complex and precise combination of time, temperature, nitrites, salt concentration, pH and aw factors to ensure food safety. The existing reference listing will continue to be accessible on the CFIA website but will no longer be updated. Comminuted. Example include to debone, comminute, preserve, dehydrate, ferment, render or assemble with an ingredient other than a meat product, but does not include to dress, trim, refrigerate, freeze or defrost. For example, for "other comminuted", collect fresh raw sausage and fresh raw patties. The operator must ensure that the monitoring limits used in their manufacturing process are adjusted by at least the amount of degrees or time specified by the equipment manufacturer as the acceptable measurement error. The operator must implement a control program for each individual cooked ready-to-eat meat product which contains: Monitoring equipment capable of measuring within the following limits is required: When the operator is using time as a critical limit in the process, they must have automatic recording devices which can capture this data and that are capable of measuring within the following limits: If the operator is cooking a pork product in order to make it RTE, use of a recording thermograph is required when the product is not subjected to other Trichinella controls. worm], etc.) Operators are responsible for establishing appropriate best before dates which take into account the length of time elapsed before the product was originally frozen. Microbial testing alone is not sufficient for this purpose. The manufacturing process must allow an extra 1 second of dwell time to compensate for measurement error. Only pieces which have naturally adhering skin can be used to make MSM; detached skin or pieces which have loose skin flaps cannot be used. The proposal must be supported by scientific data to validate the submission. The added 8% can only be applied to products which have skin on them (for example, it would not apply to beef tongues or gizzards). The only alternative to an automatic humidity recorder in these rooms would be for the company to manually monitor and record ambient humidity twice a day (morning and afternoon) every day with a properly calibrated portable humidity recorder. or when major repairs are made. For details on mandatory prerequisite programs and HACCP plans to meet regulatory requirements, please refer to the Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (MOP) Chapter 3, Pre-requisite Programs and the Food Safety Enhancement Program (FSEP) Manual. (1) No person shall sell an article of food that. The accuracy of these must be checked periodically against a mercury thermometer. If the number of defects found is equal to or less than 1, the lot is acceptable for mechanical separation. The tested lots are to be held until receipt of an acceptable laboratory report. If the product is deemed acceptable, there must be scientific evidence to support this decision. 1 minute when the minimum internal (dwell) time is at least 10 minutes. Product where the skin found in the total 20 unit sample does not exceed the tolerance may be used in the preparation of "Skinless -. Fermentation room temperature is 24C for the first 10 hours, 30C for second 10 hours and 35C for the final 15 hours. The incorporation of ground meat or poultry pieces with intact muscle cuts is accomplished by mixing, tumbling or massaging the ground meat with the larger pieces. For the purpose of this sampling plan the definition of a lot is the same as in the above item Control of Lungs and Kidneys in Poultry Carcasses and Parts of Carcasses. A major reason for the difference in thiamin content in some comminuted meat products between US and UK tables, is the use of a preservative in UK, namely sulphur dioxide, which destroys most of the . Non-intact beef products include beef that has been injected/enhanced with solutions, mechanically tenderized by needling, cubing, or pounding devices, or reconstructed into formed entrees (e.g., beef that has been scored to incorporate a marinade, beef that has a solution of proteolytic enzymes Review of the cooking process and product formulation must also be done. Some examples include pizza (bread-type crust, vegetables, meat and cheese), lasagna (pasta, vegetables and cheese). Number of replicates: a minimum of three replicates of the study should be performed. For guidelines, refer to Annex F. If the operator chooses to use methods for the control programs, other than those outlined in Annex F, these must be evaluated by the CFIA to ensure that they reach the same outcome, taking into account volume of production, establishment layout and species of fresh meat. The operator is required to maintain a listing of all of the packaging material used in the establishment. Packaging materials, including gases, must be listed in the Reference Listing of Accepted Construction Materials, Packaging Materials and Non-Food Chemical Products. Refer to Annex P of this chapter for the CFIA procedures to evaluate bulk container freezing processes for meat products. Operators are responsible for determining whether their meat product is ready-to-eat (RTE) according to this section. Equipment used in the dehydration process must be included in the operator's prerequisite control programs. If the cumulative number of defects found is equal to or less than 4, the lot is acceptable for mechanical separation. For each lot, the operator must take 30 samples of finished product and submit them for analysis. Sausages in artificial edible casings (e.g. Method of inoculation to be used: the inoculum must be added to the meat and mixed prior to the addition of the other ingredients or a starter culture to the meat mixture. The Species designations Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is using for Public Health Information Services (PHIS) are: for Meat: beef, veal, goat, lamb, and pork; for Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, geese, guineas, and squab, including for Ratites: emu, ostrich, and rhea. means an inner or outer receptacle or covering used or to be used in connection with a meat product, as defined by the Meat Inspection Act. For each lot, the operator must take 15 samples of raw batter and submit them for analysis. [ywhR 27nTr-PwE~Rnf\n5+V B?0Tzv2# $Lp#;m"@>/n<=S>wq0 _ As the MSM is labelled as "skinless", the amount of skin that may be added is calculated for both the pork trim and the MSM which gives us an "x" value of 6.4kg: 4.4kg for the pork trim and 2kg for the MSM (8% of 80kg). product is further processed, assembled, or packaged so that cooked meat or poultry products contacts non-ready to-eat product ingredients. The use of a non-inhibitory, food grade, green dye added to the inoculum may aid in determining the uniform distribution of inoculum. As the MSM is not labelled as "skinless", the amount of skin that may added is calculated for the 55kg of skinless pork trim only, which gives us an "x" value of 4.4kg (8% of 55kg). Should the operator elect to use alternate sampling plans, methods and/or criteria, these must be evaluated by the CFIA to ensure that they are at least equivalent with Annex F, Part 1. The operator must have deviation procedures for product which does not meet the standards outlined in 4.3.3. a separating drum or filter, separating screens, screen plates or perforated screen, feeding screw [i.e. Comminuted meat products are significant contributors to consumer fat and salt intakes, which are currently above World Health Organization recommended levels. Most common food-poisoning bacteria can grow from 0C up to 54C; however, their range of rapid growth is from 27C to 54C. Non-pathogens include Pseudomonas species which predominate on the exposed surface of chilled meat and Laaobacilli on vacuum-packed meat. When using or preparing casings, the following requirements must be met: Potential hazards associated with emulsification include pathogen outgrowth from precursor materials, temperature abuse during production, and metal particles from the equipment. The following processes have been scientifically validated as achieving a 5D or greater reduction of E.coliO157:H7. This means that the food must contain only the ingredients included in the standard, within the limits established by the standard. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to high protein puffed snack products including soy protein materials and protein from meat, meat by-products, or dehydrated meat . Every effort must be made to prevent the meat products from coming into contact with the exposed surfaces of any shipping containers during filling. Where the manufacturing process does not correspond to one of the processes set out under options 1, 2 or 4 of this section and has not been assessed in accordance with option 5 of this section, the operator is required to test and hold each production lot pending satisfactory results. Meat products from non-amenable species are not allowed to contain nitrates or nitrites, unless what percentage of meat from an amenable species is . For example, skin-on necks which have attached neck skin can be used to make MSM but necks to which flaps of breast or back skin have been left attached cannot be used. Under this option, it is not required to test for E.coliO157:H7. measures acidity or alkalinity on a scale of 0 to 14 with 7 as the neutral point. Use a manufacturing process (combination of fermentation, heating, holding and/or drying) which has already been scientifically validated to achieve a 5D reduction of E.coliO157:H7. Subjects. Unless MSM or FTM is used directly after the separation process as an ingredient of a meat product, it must be: MSM may be shipped from one registered establishment to another in the refrigerated, refrigerated and cured or frozen state. A food contact surface (FCS) is any surface or object that comes into contact with the meat product. Smoking is used mainly for flavouring and development of surface colouring in meat products. Refer to section 4.5 for these requirements. Characterization of heat resistance of spores recovered from raw products would further facilitate the assessment of the cooling process parameters. Manufacturing processes used to make fermented sausages are considered partially effective against E.coliO157:H7 if it is shown that they achieve 2D to 5D reduction of E.coliO157:H7. The operator must use one the following cooling schedules, appropriate to the product type, to cool all heat processed products in order to minimize growth of pathogenic bacteria in/on their products. %PDF-1.6 % Each sub-sample should be about 30 grams. The instructions for use, maintenance and calibration of measurement devices and instruments must be included in the operator's prerequisite programs and HACCP system. In FTM, hand or mechanically deboned trimmings that contain bone particles or cartilage may be used. Potential hazards associated with these automated processes include pathogen outgrowth from precursor materials and temperature abuse during production, metal particles from the equipment, excessive amounts of bone fragments and residual SRM. The submission must be accompanied by detailed recipe, formulation and processing information for the product. temperature of shell eggs and processed egg must be maintained at 4. In this case, the final product is in a form that is not edible without additional . 0 For products stored under refrigerated conditions, the operator must have in place Control Programs to monitor the temperature of these products, such that the internal temperature of each product is 4C or less but not frozen. The operator must ensure, through the establishment's mandatory Prerequisite Programs and HACCP Plan (Control Programs) that these regulatory requirements are met. Any deviation in cooking processes must be brought to the attention of the Inspector in Charge. The operator must have a control program in place to ensure proper removal of kidneys (when appropriate), and lungs in poultry carcasses and parts of carcasses used as raw material in the preparation of MSM or FTM. Freezing as an application for destruction of the parasites Trichinella, and Cysticercus, is described in Annex B of this chapter and Chapter 17 respectively. Sausage can be manufactured on a small scale by homogenizing meat with ice (for temperature control) using a bowl-chopper. 1 log10 reduction = a tenfold reduction (1 x 101) = a 1D reduction 2 log10 reduction = a hundredfold reduction (1 x 102) = a 2D reduction 3 log10 reduction = a thousandfold reduction (1 x 103) = a 3D reduction etc. Article B.01.006 of the Food and Drug Regulations requires that the common name of the food be shown on the principal display panel, therefore if re-packaged, heated NRTE meat products will have to display the appropriate NRTE qualifiers. It is the operator's responsibility to determine compatible areas and non-compatible areas for different processing steps, as part of the prerequisite program and HACCP system. Stuffing product into casings: Inoculated product should be stuffed into casing as usual to approximate normal production procedures. immediately placed in a freezer and frozen within 48 hours of boning. This validation should not be conducted within an actual food manufacturing facility. The effects of dietary fiber addition on the water distribution, water binding capacity (WBC), and textural properties of a fat-reduced model meat system enriched with inulin, cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), chitosan, pectin, respectively, were investigated in this study. hLj0_o8IJP endstream endobj startxref Where processing equipment, such as automated grinding, mechanical separation and other comminuting procedures, produce enough heat that could warm up the product's internal temperature significantly, the specific hazard for temperature abuse must be accounted for in the operator's HACCP system. for the purposes of this chapter, in respect of a meat product intended for sale, use or consumption as an edible meat product in Canada, means containing an ingredient, food additive, poison, decomposed substance, visible contamination, any pathogenic microorganisms that are injurious to health or failing to meet the standards set out in Part I, Standards and Identification of Edible Meat Products of the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. foods that contain as ingredients foods from more than one food commodity. Refer to the FSEP Manual and Chapter 3, Prerequisite Programs for more details. Measurement of process parameters used to determine when a product is finished at each stage of production (control program criteria): Duplicate uninoculated samples of the product which are collected after stuffing and at each production stage should be assayed for moisture, fat, protein, salt content, The chamber must be pressurized to 87,000, The pressure must be maintained for 3 - 9 minutes. Those records showing adherence to the schedule (product time/temperature) should be maintained on file for a period of at least 12 months beyond the shelf life (best before) of the product and made available to the inspector on request. The potential increase in the concentration of Clostridium perfringens during cooling depends on the concentration of heat resistant spores in the product. . Once a pH of 5.3 is reached, Staphylococcus aureus multiplication and toxin production are stopped. Standards of identity set specific requirements for a product's make-up. The operator is responsible to implement proper controls over the conditions under which the product is handled to ensure its wholesomeness. The sampling program must be in accordance with the following requirements: For reference, the following methods have been scientifically documented as achieving a minimum 2D reduction in E.coliO157:H7: This option is a validation challenge study to demonstrate that the manufacturing process achieves as 5D reduction of E.coli 0157:H7. The use of an alternative process or new technology must be approved by the CFIA prior to use. Examples include sausages, hot dogs, etc. Packaging materials include cartons, wrapping materials, films, synthetic casings, nettings, trays, pouches, bags and any other material which may come into contact with a meat product. The above levels are based on the absence of other inhibitory effects such as nitrite, competitive growth, sub-optimum temperatures, etc., which may be present in meat products. Product produced since the last satisfactory evaluation must be reconditioned. The sample to be analysed shall consist of 20 sub-samples taken during the lot run. We shall be principally concerned with cooked sausage which is intended to be bound together with some degree of strength in its manufacture. a meat product that has been subjected to a lethality process sufficient to inactivate vegetative pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins and control spores of foodborne pathogenic bacteria so that the meat product does not require further preparation before consumption except washing, thawing or exposing the product to sufficient heat to warm the product without cooking it, as per the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990. the ingredients of the meat product and the components of the ingredients, including food additives, and the proportions of those ingredients and components. Depending upon the final use of the communited meat the degree of comminution is done which differs among various processed products and is often a unique characteristic of a particular product ranging from very coarsely comminuted (to produce non-emulsified sausages like salamis and summer sausages), to finely comminuted, (to produce . Conclusion: Example 2 does not meet the guideline because its degree-hours exceed the limit - hold the product and refer to sub-section boeing worklife login from home, romero funeral home obituaries belen, owner of ki's restaurant, Of finished product and refer to Chapter 3.6, Pre-requisite Programs for the product are not allowed to contain or! Be maintained at 4 be accompanied by detailed recipe, formulation and processing information for the product ). Non-Amenable species are not allowed to contain nitrates or nitrites, unless what percentage of products! 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