They will also find a hoodie, which fits Clementine. We are going to the coast. Thank you. The final Walker you find has managed to push a section of the fence over entirely. Shoot the zombie attacking Katjaa, then join Carley to fend off the remaining zombies and escape the inn. There are three possibilities as the following situation is concerned - you can reassure Kenny, or make him angry and in the latter case, either you'll win with him, or let him win. They seem to show an interest in your group. Tell her she needs to learn to protect herself. Devastated for the loss of Katjaa and Duck heavily dwells upon him and thus Kenny enters a state of depression, becoming cynical, and closed off to the people around him which makes others begin to worry about his morality. Status Kenny pleads to Eva (Lady on guard) to let Clem and AJ in and he'll go on his own. The work in question is travelling around the perimeter of the camp and removing any Walkers who have gotten tangled in the electrical fence. Yet, the Bible teaches that God can awaken the dead as if from sleep and give them life again. To avoid this they crouch behind a nearby tractor, but know they have to move towards the gate of the farm to have a chance of surviving. What was your logic in deciding? You can also offer your honest opinion of Larry. Katjaa will also give Lee back his camcorder that he found at the bandit camp. At the other end of the Motor Inn, inspect the broken glass on the ground. When Clementine talks to Kenny in the power station, he will reveal to her how much he misses Katjaa, and that would do anything to have one more second with her and Duck. Around this time, Katjaa will either thank or scorn Lee for his actions on Hershel's farm. Kenny will then talk to Lee, who states that there will be fallout based on what happened to Larry. You definitely have to save Duck over Shawn and protect him from Larry in Episode 1. You can then talk to Brenda further at the house's porch, learning more about the bandits and how Mark is doing. This is then forgot about as Mark is suddenly shot with an arrow from nowhere. 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. Clem already knew. Clem can stay inside the house with the hostages or rather escape and tries to find. Katjaa is first seen on Hershel's Farm with the rest of her family. Mark will then crawl down the stairs, and Danny will attack Lee with his rifle butt. Death Episode If you don't kill Danny, Lilly will remark about keeping him alive. She will remark that Lee is getting curious and the barn contains 'odds and ends'. He is a sharp, hard-working person who likes to take action and make things happen, though his short temper and failure to think things through often get the better of him. Despite that, Katjaa retains her calmness and is determined on finding a cure for Duck, as she had mentioned "from a medical perspective". I would have told Katjaa, who I like and trust and think would have been okay with it, but I figured if I told her it'd just get straight back to Kenny. Franklin was likely the "family dog" Kenny mentions to Lee in the meat locker in "Starved for Help". My story is not uncommon. Based on the short story by Stephen King, Children of the Corn is a chilling new re-telling for a whole new generation. Regardless of the outcome the two will then return back to the dairy. I just think that line of the story was she couldn't handle it, she loved her son more than life itself, and so she just couldn't bare to watch him die. Wishlist Today. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. You then get the choice to tell everyone to run, tell Kenny to get his gun or tell Lilly to grab her knife. Katjaa will ask you to have Kenny stop the train. She will unlock the door for you, and you can now leave the meat locker. If you decide to spare his life, Andy will be left behind, and is believed to be killed by the Walkers that attack the dairy. Assault: In "Major Boobage", Kenny brutally attacked Cartman after he brought Kenny back from the hallucinations he was having from cheesing, and ruining his paradise with the Large-Breasted Woman. Make sure you follow it along by controlling Lee - this part is not controlled by the game. Struggle against Andy by mashing the correct button. Throughout this time, while Kenny remains in denial for the most part, Katjaa slowly seems to accept her son's fate, although this may have been the trigger that ultimately led to her taking her own life. Possessed by a spirit in a dying cornfield, a twelve-year-old girl in Nebraska recruits the other children in her small town to go on a bloody rampage and kill all the adults and anyone else who opposes her. Finally, examine the power cord to switch on a light. Age I figured that maybe Kenny would use it against me later on. Upon arrival the two find a group of students and a teacher in a clearing, one of whom has his leg trapped in a bear trap. . You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Tomb Raider: Reloaded is available now on iOS and Android mobile devices via the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Take the Railroad Map from next to the mattress. Their responses are different depending on the character. Katjaa tries to save David Parker/Travis after one of them is brought back to the motel badly wounded. I was so shocked that I told Kat just for her reaction. OC characters for season 1 are closed. My secret was safe ( well Clem always knew since Episode1!! It matches the flashlight. If Doug is the survivor of episode 1, you'll see him shining his laser pen, which he talked about earlier. I felt she should know how ruthless her husband has become. Lee can state he found a tent, shot a woman or that 'nothing happened'. Katjaa, also known as Kat, is a main character who first appears in Season One of The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. Too bad they didn't do It like that, It'd make the game more mysterious. It is at this point the St. Johns reveal that they are doing what they can to survive, even if it means eating human meat. You can simply not defend yourself and let Kenny beat you. Danny will remark it is probably there because of the trade between the dairy and the bandits. Don't think you are responsible for anyone else's decision, whether it's Jane's decision to start a fight, or Kenny's decision to kill for revenge. Depending on who you choose the outcome of the episode may change slightly with different dialogue. You must choose a solution to the situation. If you listen closely to the bandits at this point they will shout about having 'an arrangement', which is a reference to the plot later on. Depending on whether you shot the woman or not, you will have more time to collect supplies. I also told Christa and Omid later in the game, I don't know if you could tell Chuck? Head back into Lilly's room and talk to her. 2023.02.24 19:00 LabB0T Weekly r/homelabsales Summary - 2023-02-24 Along the way, theyll acquire run-specific abilities alongside permanent rewards like new gear, collect resources to help improve Laras stats and unlock new outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. Katjaa's character is not heavily explored until "Long Road Ahead", where Kenny and his family becomes one of the highlights of events in the episode. She then merrily told an anecdote once of how the Wildlife Rescue Center would regularly bring in injured alligators to be treated before their release back into the wild. Re-enter the boxcar and take the water bottle for Katjaa. If you decide to kill Danny, Lee will impale him with a pitchfork. They will also ask Lee about his past, which will affect a scene in the future. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Early 40s Follow the cord to a closet door. When Lee has important matters to attend to, Katjaa adopts the role of a temporary caretaker for Clementine. It is also the third tough decision you'll need to make. Later, Katjaa is seen at the St. John's Dairy Farm helping and watching their pregnant cow. Chapter 5: Handle It - Duck gets worse and worse, "You think you're the reason Duck got bitten. To save time at this point, interact with the toolbox where you sawed the swing seat earlier. The car is absolutely full of supplies. She was more worried about what was about to happen rather than what just . Jump off the opposite side of the overpass onto the roof of the train. She may choose to burn the picture in order to start the fire successfully, and will be saddened at having been forced to do so. If Lee gave the axe to Mark previously, he will saved by Carley with a gun. A mini cattle prodis also available in the shower area. Family If, however, you decide to leave David, the outcome changes. Funnily enough, to add to what the post before this one said, Kenny tells Lee near the end (if you choose to talk about the past with Kenny, note there is a VERY small window of opportunity to bring this up with Kenny, it appear between the train moving after leaving Duck and Katjaa, and giving the whiskey to Chuck) Kenny himself says "Kat would've understood", The Walking Dead: Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead. If Doug saved you, Lee will comment on him using his laser pointer to save him. The tractor will then be stopped by a Walker. ( Psalm 13:3; John 11:11-14; Acts 7:60) A person who is fast asleep is unaware of what is happening around him. I told Clem (before I hadn't told her as straightforward as was probably needed) and Kenny. Lee can then decide to either immediately go with Danny to the woods to locate the bandit camp, or can alternatively stay and interact with the other characters. Lilly insists he is still alive, and it is at this point that Lee must decide to help Kenny or Lilly. At this point you can: No matter what response is given Mark will miss the bird, and the two hear a scream coming from nearby. "Lee, you've always been good to me and my family. In "Long Road Ahead", however, perhaps the death of Katjaa showed that she was not a woman of resilience and strength, but a woman who struggles to battle with the emotional toll and bottled up her entire feelings out of fear that her emotional weakness will become a burden to the group. Lee remarks that there should be an air vent behind it. You need to make an etching on the page to reveal the startup sequence. Turn the '9' switch left first, then start the train. Fairytale characters are real and walk among us in New York City. As of result of being peaceful, she bears no grudge towards anyone and is assumed to be on good terms with the rest of the members in the group, although her name has not been mentioned by anyone aside from Lee, Lilly and Kenny during any ensuing conversations. Even if you help him, Kenny will kill Larry. and then "The same way you cared about Hershel's boy?". Larry is much more approving of the place, stating that they shouldn't be rude. Gradually though, she comes to accept the fact that there is truly no cure for a bitten survivor and finally insists on putting Duck down, along with a persuaded Kenny who was previously in denial of the truth. Inspect the chalk scuff at the base of the dumpster. If you say "Oh my god(i think)", he says 'Why, Kat(among other words?" In the case of options (1), (2) and (4) you will be able to reassure Kenny by putting a hand on his shoulder (by starting a conversation Talk To: Kenny) (Kenny will remember your compassion.). After walking for a while, the two discover a walker tangled in the fence. Check out the launch trailer for another look at Lara Croft in action.Tomb Raider Reloaded allows players to jump back into the boots of groundbreaking adventurer Lara Croft in an action-filled quest to obtain the ancient Scion artifact, clearing ever-changing rooms filled with new and familiar enemies as well as hazardous traps and puzzles. Cause of Death I think Kenny may have shot her but on accident. Investigate the clipboard on the side of the console. At the urging of everyone around him, Lee tries to release David from the beartrap. It is impossible to give certain characters food, as they will blatantly refuse for several reasons. In the near future on the outskirts of the asteroid belt, a bloody mutiny breaks loose on the Artemis. Choose any of the answers except for "Calm down." If you decide to do this, David will be freed from the trap and he will be carried away by the survivors. Katjaa will refuse food, insiting it is given to Duck instead. "Katjaa, I have something to tell you and I don't know if you're going to take this well." said Lee. Watch the cutscene and then try to start the whole thing with Kenny one more time. When down to the final piece of food, Lee can decide to either keep it for himself, or distribute it amongst the survivors. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barrys only hope is to race for his life. Well I don't know what happens if you tell kenny/katja to kill duck and I don't wanna know until I try it on different saves but as for deciding to kill him yourself I see it this way: If you say that you'll be the one to shoot him, Katjaa will take Duck into the forest and Kenny will stay with you. Who asks you to reveal the secret if you've saved Doug in episode 1? The Flash - Official Big Game Teaser Trailer, Tomb Raider: Reloaded - Official Launch Trailer, Children of the Corn (2023) - Official Red Band Trailer, The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series -- Season One, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. I wasn't. Saying that Kenny should do it. To stop Clementine from eating the human meat, enter the room and choose the prompt 'DON'T EAT THAT!'. A sequence will now start where Lee has to advance towards Brenda, who is holding Katjaa hostage. After graduating, she started working in a vet's office, and received her license a few years later. Worlds collide in The Flash when Barry uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. I planned to not tell Ben or Duck but I did tell Ben, I would have told Duck as well if it was possible. If you say you shot the woman Lilly will remember this. Katjaa and Duck are the only members from the Motor Inn not shown to kill any zombies in the game. I told Lilly as we were on good terms, after I helped save her dad. Female What happens if you save Shawn Walking Dead? Katjaa/Kenny (Walking Dead Video Game) Christa/Omid (Walking Dead Video Game) Clementine & Lee Everett; . The Walking Dead characters; The Walking Dead characters (A New Day) The Walking Dead characters (Starved For Help) The Walking Dead characters (Long Road Ahead) Next, answer to one more question asked by Clementine. If you say that you'll be the one to shoot him, Katjaa will take Duck into the forest and Kenny will stay with you. Remove two screws from the bottom of the AC unit. If Carley is dead at this point and axe was given to Mark, he will save Lee. So she took the news well. Kenny O'Donnell : Adlai, the world has to know we're right. Reply what you want in the first dialogue. Examine the air conditioning unit. With Andy now out of the way, head back into the barn and use the multi-tool on all four screws in the lock. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Depending on who you give it to, the scene will change slightly later. Katjaa Head into the woods. This is when you're making the decision. Have Clementine go through the gap above the door. Once the train is moving, kick the blowtorch over the ledge to light the fuelon fire. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barrys only hope is to race for his life. Clementine will then ask if Lee had to kill those men, and you can choose a response that affects her opinion of Lee. Katjaa is one of seven named characters to commit suicide. YOU ARE READING. Try and reach around Kenny to the map bin. Language: English Words: 78,122 Chapters: 28/? Katjaa commits suicide by shooting herself in the head. "Happen" is a regular, much-used verb that most English students will discover early in their language journey. Once she unlocks it, open the door and enter the station house. I told everyone of the assembled team, and they were pretty OK with it. Mainly cause I liked Kenny in Ep1, and he turned into a massive douche nossle. I told everyone apart from Ben - I thought he was acting suspicious from the moment I returned to the Motor Inn. Shoot the woman to spare her suffering, or leave her alive as a distraction. 1. Lee tries to convince Brenda to let her go but she refuses while backing up the stairs. Andy will then start up the electric fence and try to push Lee into it. Head into the train cab and use the throttle to start the train. Eventually, the group escapes and sets up a base at an abandoned motel, where Katjaa is safe with her family. Looking up, she replied, "Very well. After a while Katjaa will ask you to clean Duck. I had talked to Clem prior, but had not told anyone until Carley had said I should. Larry will die no matter what you do, so your decision will affect only Lilly and Kenny's behavior in this and the following episodes, and with regard to that it is a very important choice, especially if earlier you did everything against Kenny - if you side with him now, Kenny will again want to give you a ride in his . It doesn't matter who we were, man." Then, remain silent through all the replies that will follow until Kenny throws Lee out of the cabin. After that, Lee frantically screamed for Kenny as he fired his last shots. Unlike her husband, who is deeply affected by the decisions made within the group, Katjaa seems to be less edgy or touchy to minor issues. You want me to?". When can you tell Kenny about your past? Lee sees that the cord is being fed into another room, so head into the nearby bedroom. They approach cautiously but it appears to be abandoned. Lee discusses the bandits with the St. Johns, who state that something must be done about them. When Lee enters the house for dinner, he will ask where Mark is. (saved Doug). This is theWalkthrough for Episode 2 of the Walking Dead, "Starved for Help". Contents 1 Overview Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) Take the. You can go up and talk to them if you want, and Larry will leave. Lee Everett and . Hair Go back outside. The two students are Ben Paul and Travis, while the teacher is David Parker. At this point, not punching Andy will cause him to uppercut Lee, forcing Lee to throw him into the fence. Head to the front of the locomotive and inspect the cab door. His wife, Katjaa, and his son, Duck are his main priorities. 1.1M views 4 years ago Carver attacks the group and takes Clem, Alvin, Sarita and many others as hostages. If Lee chooses to tell her about his past, and does not tell, She is generally a neutral or forgiving character, as she was never shown harboring any ill feelings towards anyone, even. I told only the ones I trusted. No, I didn't tell her, though I think I will on my opposite playthrough. It is at this point that Lee goes to check in with Katya, who calls Lee and Kenny over. Kenny Rogers, whose legendary music career spanned six decades, has died at the age of 81, his publicist Keith Hagan told CNN. And everybody was pretty much cool with it. Talk to Katjaa and give her the bottle of water. Exit through the side door and examine the car coupling at to the right. (Off-Screen) If Doug is still alive at this point he will help Lee by shining his laser pointer in Andy's face, allowing Lee to charge. Kenny - Husband(Unnamed) - SisterKenny Jr. - Son (Unnamed) - Father-In-Law Franklin - Pet This is an interactive story of Telltales, the walking dead, in which you get to vote on what can happen next. That's not what I'm asking though, I'm wondering how many people told her what Kenny did in the meat locker. If you get 4 or less , Kenny won't come with you. Possessed by a spirit in a dying cornfield, a twelve-year-old girl in Nebraska recruits the other children in her small town to go on a bloody rampage and kill all the adults and anyone else who opposes her. Lee was upset because he assumed Kenny was devoured by the walkers, but he remained focused on recusing Clementine. You can also examine the picket fence near the house and Lee will comment on its sharpness. But if you want to fight with Kenny, first quickly block his left Fist. The episodelaunched on June 27th 2012 for Xbox Live, and June 29th 2012 for other platforms. On my other playthrough I told everyone. Play as Bigby, "The Big Bad Wolf" and Sheriff of Fabletown, as you return to a gritty detective noir world where there are no fairy tale endings. ), no one otherwise knew, but that idiot Lily blurted out that I was a murderer to Kenny after she shot Doug in the back of the head. Text or info from this page the Map bin to switch on a light she replied &! 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