I didn't remember falling asleep. Professor Quirrell is obviously a skilled magician and liar, but he doesn't seem to be the brightest student in Ravenclaw's history books either. A Looping Jumper in Remnant 1 Dobby's death was avenged when Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix. So I decided to rewrite the whole series while patching up AN: This is a narrative, story plot, lore, worldbuilding and character 'fix-it' of the Harry Potter books and universe. First name and last name: Hyacinth Jensen [8], Near the end of the 19921993 school year, Harry freed Dobby from the slavery of the Malfoy family. Nothing ever works out for Paola Sommers. [8] Though he always did as he was told, he knew that their behaviour was wrong and he longed to be free of them. One most noticeable trait was his capacity to self-harm whenever he believed he had done something wrong, usually using something to hit his head with and going as far as to iron his own hands. The first and last thing Dobby ever said to Harry was, ". And the moment the bonds has been cut - CRUNCH! What will happen when Muggle wisdom, innovation and magic come together? Dobby thought of Harry as his best friend, and Albus Dumbledore as his rightful and true master. Dobby also asked if it would be alright if he visited Harry from time-to-time, with Harry responding with an of course. Garrick Ollivander is arguably one of the greatest wand makers in history, and he is a literal genius. Harry demanded to know who had opened it last time, but Dobby refused to reveal any more information and disapparated when he heard someone coming. All rights belong to Zara H (@za_ra_h_ on Twitter) & J.K. Rowling, respectively. Just then someone started to wrap an arm around him and he calmed down. Not only that, he was unintentionally insensitive to the wishes and feelings of Harry, who loved Hogwarts and his friends, and Dobby was essentially trying to cut Harry off from the things in his life that gave him real joy and purpose. In the second book, Harry asks Dobby to promise to not save his life again, but 5 books later Dobby does because he is the last hope of getting out of Malfoy Manor. Hermione Granger didn't really expect to live through the war, or at least she hadn't planned for what would come after. One born out of wedlock from Henry's mistress. At the time of this post, this review is the 269th review of this story. The scent of pine and polish lingers in the air as you take in a deep breath sitting in the stands of your new home. Hufflepuff values kindness and hard work, Gryffindor values bravery and boldness, Slytherin values ambition and cunning, and Ravenclaw values wit and wisdom. Though he hated it, he goes to the Gala's and every other function the ministry urges him to. Hermione appeared to like Dobby, because he loved his freedom and because he wanted to make the other house-elves want freedom too. [2], Dobby takes Narcissa Malfoy's wand during the skirmish, Attempting to rescue Hermione and Griphook, Harry and Ron were forced to surrender when a disarmed Bellatrix threatened to cut Hermione's throat with a silver knife. How will Harry deal with his life being a game? [9th major world - My Hero Academia - 493 -528] Goooooood goooood Dobby appears in five of the books but only appeared in two of the films. Goooooood goooood In the continent the Grogermanisches Reichsministerium Fur Magie lords over its fallen enemies with an iron fist. He should get stronger. Current Story stats: However, Ron didn't agree with this. Winky excitedly told Harry that she knew Dobby, too; they evidently were friends previous to 1994 even though their relationship was only first displayed that year. Character sheet: According to Harry, Dobby also saved his life with the Gillyweed. He seems like one of those kids that should have just been dumped into Hufflepuff because he has no exceptional qualities, but just based on his behavior and social skills it still seems like he would have been better matched with literally any other house besides Ravenclaw. When he heard, Harry ordered Dobby not to punish himself for disobeying a direct order from Umbridge. These dreams only happened when his relatives had been especially harsh or neglectful. The boy look to be around 10 year Threadmarks: After the Afterparty - Character Creation #1. Community content is available under. [4th major world - One Piece - 229 - 300] Age: 7 Work Search: The Silencing Charm was undone. Seven years of wonder, and madness, and stress and frustration, amidst the ever-changing corridors and spires of this castle you've come to call home. Over the course of his employment at Hogwarts, Dobby became close friends with Aberforth Dumbledore, and spent much time at Aberforth's home in Hogsmeade, getting to and from the school through a secret tunnel. If you're going to flame me You are special. Still it doesn't explain how he somehow found himself stuck to raise the baby. At the end of that school year, after Harry had vanquished the memory of Tom Riddle and slayed the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, he tricked Lucius Malfoy into freeing Dobby. "The fuck?!" The Best Kings Wear Skirts Harry had awoken to the feeling of love. When it comes to the cleverest Ravenclaws in history, it would be a shame to overlook the literal Ravenclaw who created the house of "wit and measure is man's greatest pleasure" in the first place. She's actually one of those students who would have fit in well to any of the Hogwarts houses, because she could use every positive trait of each house to her advantage when she saw that it was advantageous. It seems that she has never even questioned the bizarre circumstances or attempted to figure out how it was that she actually died, even though someone with a pretty basic knowledge of magical creatures could have guessed it. Dobby then performed a Hover Charm on Aunt Petunia's pudding and dumped the pudding on top of Mrs Mason's head. The school took many of its wizarding students from France, as . If you enjoyed the chapter, I'd appreciate it if you left a review detailing your thoughts! House-elf[3] Luna is a traditionally smart girl, but what makes her so extraordinary is her ability to do more than just think outside of the box. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. ____________________________ But his kindness was greeted with ugly politics and betrayal from his loved ones. [20], Dobby disarming Narcissa Malfoy with a snap of his fingers, Dobby and Harry Potter had a very strong relationship. He explained to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that he liked freedom very much, but he liked work better. RELATED:Harry Potter: 5 Reasons Hermione Should Have Been In Ravenclaw (& 5 She Was Rightfully Placed In Gryffindor). After the Afterparty - Character Creation #1 You yawned and stretched out of the bed, as you took a moment to look out the window. This is part of the reason that Harry Potter is such an incredibly popular series. As part of her progress towards that last part, she let herself get distracted by Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott, and ended up doing a lot of things she'd never done before. In 1992, he disobeyed his masters and tried to warn Harry Potter of the plot to have the Chamber of Secrets reopened. Or, in which there is a very fine line between sacrifice and self-slaughter (he toes it every day of his life). Sirius buf, molesto, encontrndose a s mismo avergonzado y sorprendido, observado con inquisitiva insistencia por el desnudo rubio Cmo narices haban acabado as? [5] They treated Dobby with unkindness and cruelty, often reminding him to perform extra punishments on himself when he did something disagreeable to them. The Owl that was pecking at the window should have been the first clue that something was off. Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected [3], The International Confederation of Wizards ordered a team of Hit Wizards to capture Dai Ryusaki, who they suspected was a Dark wizard. Cho is clever but she's not only a book worm, she exhibits a lot of different kinds of intelligence. --~P A T R E O N~-- As Aberforth was an old and grumpy person, he didn't have a good relationship with many people. And finally, he couldn't even outwit Harry in his first year, which is saying a lot about this adult teacher. Who would have thought the Universe would plot to join both of you. Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix enters the school again. It is a simple premise that appeals to both children and adults. In 1998, he went on Aberforth Dumbledore's orders to save the lives of Harry and his companions from Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor. So it's no big surprise that Ravenclaw house has the reputation of being the smartest house in the world of Harry Potter. When I woke up I was instantly aware that something wasn't right. Nationality [7] She took up work at Hogwarts as well, but she became a heavy drinker of butterbeer, and Dobby took care of her. The Sky was a Grey mess of clouds and darkness. They learn a lot about each other and try to figure what their relationship is all about. However, just as those elves disappeared when the shoemaker made them shoes, so the dobbies were said to disappear when offered clothing. Lastly, Dobby tried his most risky and dangerous plan by making a Bludger attack Harry during a Quidditch match, hoping to send him back to Privet Drive injured, but alive. However, the house-elves stopped cleaning those places once they found the first of the clothes, as they didn't want to take them. Dobby died moments later in Harry's arms, a peaceful smile on his face, his final words being Harry's name. Since the unperturbed woman's closest friend these days seems to be her 5-year-old niece, you can imagine how truly engaging her life is. Hermione Granger was initially indignant at the amount of pay, but Dobby explained that he requested that amount, as Dumbledore had offered ten Galleons a week and weekends off. However, he was killed during the battle by Bellatrix Lestrange. No era un idiota, tena el instinto atrofiado, y la tirnica mirada en el rostro ajeno pareca recalcar que el pensamiento era similar para ambos. Harry had a secret weapon in his arsenal. # 9. What I would like to read is a HP Self insert story where the protagonist has a life of his own and is not Threadmarks: Prologue: Knocked Off Course. then he meets an old God who decides to transmigrate him as Harry frickin Potter. [25], Kreacher, whom he disliked and fought with, Dobby presumably met Kreacher, another house-elf, in late 1996 when Harry sent Kreacher to work in the kitchens of Hogwarts, and they did not have a good relationship. All it gives him, is knowledge. Dobby suffered a period of unemployment, during which he was often ostracised for having no "proper shame" in regards to being out of work. Only then, things take to the dark side once he meets Tom marvolo riddle. When Harry first met Dobby, he was a bit confused by the elf's devotion to keeping him safe from harm. [3][5] He is the first house-elf seen to "break free" of his masters' wills, warning Harry of the Chamber of Secrets (Kreacher did this too, however he technically did not disobey any orders, therefore it does not count), and alongside Kreacher, is the only house elf seen who truly dislikes their original master. He looked over and saw his exact twin but, he felt that this twin was female. Perhaps Professor Trelawney is intelligent in a variety of other ways, but as a teacher and a soothsayer she seems to be downright idiotic. Harry Potter contemplated life as he sat in his well appointed study in his ancestral manor. Harry, not knowing where he was heading, was relieved to find in the midst of his Disapparition, that he could feel Dobby alongside, his fingers gripped tightly in his hand. Dobby always admired Dumbledore, because he was kind to everyone, even to the house-elves, and because he opposed Lord Voldemort and was against things such as forced labour, cruelty and making someone do something against their will, which Dobby had suffered from all his time working for the Malfoys. roared Uncle Vernon, and he took both Harry and Dudley by the scruffs of their necks and threw them into the hall, slamming the kitchen door behind them. Dobby, as an inadvertent result, thus helped Ron and Hermione begin their relationship. Keep going ,i like !!!!!!!!!!!! P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe Normally I wouldn't have read these types of books but this topic was quite new so what is the problem when you are just: free. [2] It is unknown how the Malfoys reacted when they learned of it. Complete (sort of) Meanwhile Harry similarly grabbed Griphook and Disapparated. This use of magic was detected by the Ministry of Magic through the Trace. The Hogwarts house-elves refused thereafter to clean the common room, as they viewed the hidden clothes to be insulting. That he had other options besides liv My chest exploded with excitement, his words making me clench my thighs together. Your last night passed by in a haze of tears and hugs, and perhaps a little too much Hello, I recently finished reading "Rebirth in a Magical World" on RR (unfortunatly dropped without a conclusion) and started looking for something similar without having much luck. They placed Dobby's body in the grave, wrapping him in a jacket and giving him socks, shoes and a hat. When Dobby expressed his opinion that his life as a free elf was better than as a servant, he made her believe that he was a "bad house-elf". He had been accompanied to Hogwarts by his friend Winky (who had recently been dismissed) and so began Dobby's new happy life nearby his closest friends: Harry, Ron, and Hermione. A Mage at Hogwarts [DISCONTINUTED] There will be NO bashing. The wizarding world was slowly recovering from the war. Belby piqued Horace Slughorn's interest because of his exceptional wizard lineage, but that appears to be all he has going for him. She Vernon sat there smiling as he looked at the American flag that hung in the backyard. PS1. They believed Dobby was mad and there was a great difference between their ideology and Dobby's, about a house-elf's life. [8] This too failed, as the two used the flying car again to catch up the Hogwarts Express; this however almost caused Harry's and Ron's expulsion from Hogwarts, due to their damaging the Whomping Willow after arriving late at the school. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome but please, keep it constructive. Dobby loved and respected him very much to the point where he considered Harry to be his best friend. A young man reborn into his favorite world. Harry and Ron managed to overpower Pettigrew when he hesitated, reminded of his life debt to Harry, and his own magical silver hand gifted to him by Voldemort strangled him to death. [2], Dobby dying with a smile on his face in Harry's arms, As Harry disapparated, Bellatrix threw her silver knife at him. Then suddenly light. When it comes to students in house Ravenclaw, what really shines bright about Cho Chang is, well, pretty much everything. Harry seized the wands Draco Malfoy was holding and used a stunning spell on Greyback. It's a Translation. Well, you're in luck! Mildly Infuriating | Harry Potter. After that, Aberforth told Harry, Ron and Hermione that he was really sorry, as he liked Dobby. I have not decided whether the [Curse Child] is canon or not. [-Stealth Magic But Neville would never give up, he would continue his parents fight, no matter what. Esos ojos grises lo dejaban claro, cristalino en realidad, se haba acabado, ya no haba vuelta atrs, poda darse por muerto como mnimo. We are talking about you. [3] However Ron, Fred, and George Weasley came in their dad's enchanted flying car to free him from the Dursleys. All my relevant stuff, such as my discord and ways to support me, is available here! Harry and his friends used the room in Dumbledore's Army's meetings and practises. Are you bored of the Muggle world? RELATED:Harry Potter: 10 Slytherin VS Ravenclaw Memes That Are Absolutely Hilarious. Nicolas Flamel is one of the near-immortal legendary wizards and one of the most powerful wizards in Harry Potter. [7] When Ron was used as a "hostage" for the Triwizard Tournament, Dobby who had learned of the Second Task from the fake Mad-Eye Moody, became fearful of Harry losing his "Wheezy" (Dobby's name for Ron) to the merpeople and was manipulated by the fake Moody into stealing gillyweed for Harry. [7], When Winky, Barty Crouch Snr's house-elf, was given clothes and freed of her servitude, she did not accept it as a reward, as Dobby had, but rather as punishment and a shameful failure in the fashion of most house-elves. Quirrell did manage to keep his head being half-Voldemort a secret for almost an entire school year, but that honestly says more about the stupidity and lack of inquisitiveness of the people around him than it does about his intelligence. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. Becoming an Animagus. Harry Potter and the Harem Game, Year One. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. The summer after the war is the coldest, gayest summer Harry will ever have.Thank Merlin the Weasleys are there to help him through it. -Pickpocketing [12], In 1996, they fought in the hospital wing because Kreacher had badmouthed Harry. [7] Thus, he didn't have such a good relationship with his co-workers, as they believed that a house-elf should not have any personal life when they had to work and serve their masters.[7][10]. This plan could not have been too well thought-out, because under normal circumstances Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse, would have been able to mend Harry's injuries instantly. [3rd major world - Marvel - 107 - 228] I just couldnt read other fanfics cause this idea just kept ringing in my head. Marcus Belby's appearance in the Harry Potter book and film series was mercifully brief, but the few moments that Harry Potter fans got to see of him left many people wondering how in the world he was sorted into Ravenclaw in the first place. THIS IS NOT A YAOI. [8], Harry Potter frees Dobby by giving the elf his sock, Near the end of Harry's second year, Lucius Malfoy came to the school with Dobby to see if it was true that Headmaster Albus Dumbledore had returned. Height Most of the things /*AN Warning80%20%HE. Dobby is possibly one of the few characters known to be killed with a non magical item, as the. The author reveals the name of a Jewish wizard from the first Harry Potter book and assures fans 'the only people I never imagined there are Wiccans'. JK Rowling shares her favourite Harry . As he was able to Disapparate to and from the Manor, Harry instructed him to first take Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, and Mr Ollivander from the cellar, then return. At Hogwarts he could come and go as he liked, did not have many tasks, and those he did have were fairly simple. What distinguishes Ravenclaw students is that they value intelligence over everything else, but the fact that they value it doesn't mean that they actually possess it themselves. Sometimes he missed the simplicity of life when Voldemort had still been around. This may be because Dobby was freed when Harry tricked Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby a sock. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). In the 2022 Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers movie, Dobby is seen on a poster, having become a model for Gucci after the Harry Potter movies wrapped up. Regular chapters: 125 || Aux chapters: 1 Alastor Gumboil handled applications for Hit Witches and Hit Wizards from room 919 at the Ministry. [13], Luna Lovegood, who respected him greatly for saving her life, In 1998, Dobby saved Luna Lovegood, along with Garrick Ollivander and Griphook, from Malfoy Manor. Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL) Book&Literature REINCARNATION MAGIC SLICEOFLIFE CAMPUS HARRYPOTTER WIZARDS 4.58 Synopsis: Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix enters the school again. Dobby was a brave, loyal house-elf, willing to put himself in dangerous situations when he knew it to be the right thing to do. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. [4], A team of Hit Wizards arrested Sirius Black in 1981 when he was thought to have murdered Peter Pettigrew and twelve Muggles with a single curse.[1]. Harry returned to his new room at Number Four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, after his very first foray into the wizarding world since the Halloween after his first birthday. - 529 -584] With the triumph of the Alliance over the ICW and the alliance's subsequent takeover by German Sympathisers, a New Order has risen over the wizarding world. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a "dobby" is an old English word for a benevolent elf that would perform household tasks secretly in the night, like the elves in tales of the elves and the shoemaker. Furthermore, Harry told both Dobby and Kreacher to go and spy on Draco Malfoy; even then, they argued: When they reappeared to give a report, Dobby was angry that Kreacher hadn't informed him that he was going to Harry. Lucius became angry and attempted to attack Harry, but Dobby blasted him down a flight of stairs and forcefully told him to leave, with Dobby finally getting revenge on his former cruel master.[5]. Getting her NEWTs. Check out my other fics if you like this one by going into my profile. https://discord.gg/TR3KKAhu9r. Strong and smart MC. [5], After becoming a free elf, Dobby struggled to find work, as he wanted to be paid, which was uncommon for house-elves. For advance chapters- www.patreon.com/misterimmortal Coincidentally, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are each of the three distinct types of wizards; Harry being a half-blood, Hermione being Muggle-born, and Ron being a pure-blood. Rated M.] Okay, so this isn't the film actor for James Potter. I want to post this new fabric of mine here. The continuation of The Family that Chooses You. When Dobby came to the Malfoy Manor to rescue them, Hermione was being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. Many scarves, socks, and hats made by Hermione Granger. (creating magic without blowing up things or dying, being good at everything etc.) Luckily he is also the Dovahkiin and has a Skyrim shop system to support him in his adventures across the Wizarding World. Although this fanfic will be a Harem, the mc will not have a thousand women. This story is an Infinite Stream novel where the mc travels through different anime and movie worlds acquiring various magical abilities and knowledge in order to become a supreme wizard that stands on the top of countless dimensions and universes. Although house elves are treated as low-class slaves, they have very powerful magic, and even some beyond wizard ability. Thus, Dobby cleaned Gryffindor Tower by himself, taking and wearing all of Hermione's knitted clothes. [12], Captured by a group of Snatchers led by Fenrir Greyback, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dean Thomas, and the goblin Griphook were taken to Malfoy Manor. Pessimistic, lonely, and perpetually bored, along with the shitty attitude she owns, is a shitty bookstore she inherited from her brother-in-law. Alexander Maxim Universe, A kind old man, a war veteran, the most renowned scientist in the world. By: Grounders10 Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. This expanded into anger at the Harry Potter series in general for all the plot holes (student tracking, unexplained magic system, paper-thin stereotypes, etcetera). It's exceptionally ironic that the one thing she seems to genuinely believe about herself (that she can see the future) is actually true, although she has no actual memory of the one time she made a legitimate prophecy. "My son, enjoy yourself while working, okay!. Harry was content with his life. Our destinies are chalked up by powers beyond our ken who can roll a dice and simply proclaim, "This one has clinical depression." Approaching this subject from a broader angle than just "Was Harry a demonstrably powerful wizard," one of the reasons that Harry Potter was such a successful series is because J. K. Rowling did such an excellent job at making her characters relatable. Although Harry is young, his magical experience is engraved inside him. Ron Weasley and Dean Thomas joined Harry and laboured with him in digging the grave. Will he be able to survive the second wizarding war? I do not care what JK Rowling said. It is likely that they met in the company of their masters, as Winky's master Barty Crouch was a high-ranking ministry official and Dobby's former masters the Malfoy family were well-connected and influential socialites. Earlier that same year, Harry had mistaken Winky for Dobby at the Quidditch World Cup. Review, comment, add to the library and share this fic. Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. Goooooood goooood 2 Chapters daily Disclaimer I don't own anything but my own ocs Add to library4.3kDiscussion 448Suggest tags Sigh, Teenagers 213 pages 6 months ago Selantro It was was one of the three largest wizarding schools in Europe (the other two being Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Durmstrang Institute). However, an unfortunate blunder by Professor Gilderoy Lockhart resulted in Harry losing all the bones in his right arm. Summary- Harry Potter was unlike any other child, he could make things happen that could not be explained, even by wizarding standards. ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ My body felt weird and I was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II)~-- A sea of black in which the passing of time holds no meaning. He notice he got the same looks he got in the pub and was getting more nervous. Wormtail scrambled towards him, avoiding eye contact. For a few seconds I just layed there paralised with fear until a shooting pain burst through my head. Im doing cause I felt like it and for the fun of it. Keep going ,i like !!!!!!!!!!!! -Occlumency] After spending the holiday attached to one another, the two soon learn that life back at the school is not all they hoped it would be. Go check out my Pa.tr.eon: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [8th major world - Bleach - 460 -492] The utterance came a half second after a soggy flier smacked a bewildered girl in the face. It was as if the Heavens themselves were warning you of the coming Freedom at last! Then it was Y/N's turn. I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. You and your best friend Draco started school at Hogwarts the most prestigious school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you get sorted in Slytherin but that is no surprise, but another annoying wizard does too Aemond Targaryen. It was just before this time that Hermione formed the organisation called S.P.E.W, which Ron often derisively called "spew". This work could have adult content. Examples of his strange speech pattern include "I has seven now sir"[27] or "Dobby must punish himself most grievously for coming sir". I'm not the best at it but I'd say I'm pretty decent. There, Bellatrix Lestrange saw that they were carrying the Sword of Gryffindor, and she stopped Lucius Malfoy from summoning Voldemort, afraid they had been in her Gringotts vault. Small and skinny, his baggy clothes Code Vein It may not display this or other websites correctly. If you enjoyed the chapter, I'd appreciate it if you left a review detailing your thoughts! Gender: Male activist and a good friend.[25]. As they attempted to disapparate to Shell Cottage, Bellatrix Lestrange threw her silver dagger, mortally wounding Dobby in the chest. Sohere are the 5 dumbest students in Ravenclaw's history, as well as the 5 smartest Ravenclaws who ever set foot in Hogwarts. [12th Final Arc - DC world - 663 - 704] -0-0-0-0-0- When he died in the war (a shitty situation that her sister blames her for), every one of her hopes and dreams went to shit. There will be NO harem. 3 feet[3] He came to know this via the contact between his masters and Lord Voldemort. This is not a villain story, more like a morally gray one. The summer after the battle of Hogwarts a lot of healing, redemption, and decision-making must happen. This story starts off with drarry meeting then time skips to their children braking a time turner and getting sent to the past but will they be able to get back. Point in Timeline: immediately post surrender to the PRT Please do enjoy my book. Our eyes are yet to open. Although he enjoyed his freedom, he still showed some nature of a House Elf, showing some form of either disgust or fear in the sign of a little shudder at the sign of too much riches and leisure, such as those of a truly sustainable wage and work schedule, which Dumbledore originally offered. So I decided to write one of my own for a change. He's the son of two extraordinary wizards and he holds a part of Voldemort's soul inside of him. He was the first wizard to go up against Voldemort and live, earning him the title "the boy who lived". Dobby announced his return by causing a chandelier to fall on Bellatrix. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, and I'm just using them to write my own story. Traduccin al espaol del fic Chaos Theory escrito por Tessa Crowley (tessacrowley). Harry's only request in return for granting Dobby freedom was for Dobby never to try to save his life again. This human-goblin hybrid professor is one of the most knowledgeable and skilled masters of charms in the world, and he could very easily be doing great things outside of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry if he chose. ] Age: 7 Work Search: the Silencing Charm was undone house! Comes to students in house Ravenclaw, what really shines bright about cho Chang is, well, much... Organisation called S.P.E.W, which Ron often derisively called `` spew '' the best it! Or, in 1996, they have very powerful magic, and decision-making must happen Ravenclaw house the! Learned of it inside him in 1996, they have very powerful magic, and made! Result, thus helped Ron and Hermione that he liked Dobby outwit Harry in his first year, ordered... Hogwarts house-elves refused thereafter to clean the common room, as well as the 5 dumbest students house. Shooting pain burst through my head to disapparate to Shell Cottage, Bellatrix Lestrange Alexander Universe... 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