b. Which of the following is true about divorce with regard to its effect on children? A. more of these families are the result of divorce than of the mother never having been married. Yusuf's parents set rules for him, but he feels that when a rule seems unfair, he can discuss it with his parents and even if they don't agree to change the rule, they at least listen to his opinions. Just the answers 1. Most of childrens problems after divorce are due to the divorce itself. Despite the fact that their relationship seems to be progressing in a healthy manner, Julie is continually worried that Ben isn't responsive or attentive. Which of the following is the best description for the purpose of an estate created for divorce or, To pay for the all of the legal fees in filing a chapter 7, 11, or 13 bankruptcy or to pay the legal fees of a, To protect the assets of the party filing bankruptcy so that no further losses are realized, To settle the debts of the debtor or divorce partner of which the Bankruptcy or Divorce Court has control, To hold only the physical assets of the divorce partner or debtor for the period of the bankruptcy or divorce. c. Justin will be less likely to be involved in drug use and delinquent activity. A. transformed family life, and as a result, parents don't really make a difference. b. sex segregation. The Dunn Corporation is planning to pay dividends of $500,000. a. brother-sister avoidance. B. aggression and antisocial behavior Which of the following writers suggested that the speed at which society changes affects the socialization of adolescents? Amalia is most likely to be adversely affected by her parents' divorce if: C. Anthony, a 17-year-old c. After a divorce, mothers are more likely to have custody of children than fathers. Women are more likely than men to view divorce as a "second chance" at happiness and fulfiliment. a. Divorce rates increased dramatically in the 1960's. b. Divorce rates increased dramatically in the. __________ love is to romantic love, as __________ love is to affectionate love. Typically, divorce crystallizes rather than creates long-standing family problems. C. Mothers are naturally better parents than fathers are. A. more; less a. deferred effect of divorce. {0.08x22.64x+22.350.525x+89.82if15x45if45